Aeroyacht Multihull Specialists Catamarans for Sale
Aeroyacht Multihull Specialists Catamarans for Sale
Leen 72 and Leen 56 Power Trimaran - Long Range Cruising Trawler YachtsLeen Power Trimarans 56 & 72Leen 72 and Leen 56 Power Trimaran - Long Range Cruising Trawler YachtsLeen 72 and Leen 56 Power Trimaran - Long Range Cruising Trawler YachtsLeen 72 and Leen 56 Power Trimaran - Long Range Cruising Trawler Yachts
LEEN Trimarans - Welcome to a New World of Exporer Yachts.
The LEEN 72 Power Trimaran has a transatlantic range.
The LEEN range is a true hybrid electric multihull and a large generator acts as an effective charging device in case the main engine fails.
Both the LEEN 56 & 72 can be steered from the comfort of their inside helms.
LEEN Trimarans - Welcome to a New World of Exporer Yachts.